Coaches can organize their custom workouts into a custom workout program which can then be assigned to their athletes.

<aside> 👀 Workouts created in the Create/Edit Workouts tab pull activities from the Training Libraries. Build Program takes the workouts created in Create/Edit Workouts, and builds them into an actual workout program.


  1. Search Programs
  2. Build Program

Search Programs

By Name

  1. Navigate to the Build Program tab on the web platform
  2. Click Search Workout Programs
  3. Type in the name of your program and watch the programs narrow down to your search

By Tag

  1. Navigate to the Build Program tab on the web platform
  2. Click Filter by Tags
  3. Select the tag you wish to view
  4. You now will only see workout programs with that tag

Build Program

  1. Navigate to the Build Program tab on the web platform
  2. Select + Create New Program
  3. Name the program by clicking Program Name
  4. Tag the workout program by clicking Tags for organizational purposes