Calendar allows coaches, athletes, and parents to stay up-to-date with the most recent changes to the calendar.

<aside> 💡 Only coaches can create/change events and schedules


  1. Viewing All Schedules
  2. Viewing Individual Schedules
  3. Viewing Different Months
  4. Viewing Events for a Specific Day
  5. Syncing the M1 Calendar to Personal

Viewing All Schedules

  1. Navigate to the Calendar tab on the mobile M1 Team app
  2. Tap the top dropdown arrow and select All
  3. Tap Update Calendar

Viewing Individual Schedules

  1. Navigate to the Calendar tab on the mobile M1 Team app
  2. Tap the top dropdown arrow and select the schedule you wish to view
  3. Tap Update Calendar

Viewing Different Months

  1. Navigate to the Calendar tab on the mobile M1 Team app
  2. On top of the calendar it shows what month your current view is; tap the arrow on the left to go back a month and the arrow on the right to advance a month

Viewing Events for a Specific Day