
Step by Step Installation:

Step 1: Log in to your MaxOne account at

Step 2: On the Left Navigation, Select Live Training and then click on Getting Started.

Step 3: Click on the Let’s Go button located to the right of the Zoom logo.

Step 4: Click on the Connect button.

Step 5: Sign in to your Zoom account.

Step 6: Zoom is now installed on your MaxOne account.


Uninstalling from MaxOne

Step 1: Log into your MaxOne account at & make sure Zoom is configured.

Step 2: Go to Getting Started underneath the Live Training sub menu.

Step 3: Click the Disconnect button to the right of the Zoom logo.


Use Case 1: Adding Zoom Meeting to a Calendar Event.

Coaches on our platform have the ability to create Calendar Events that are delivered to other coaches, athletes and parents on their team. When a coach has a Zoom account installed, they are able to turn a calendar event into a Zoom meeting.


Step 1: Log into your MaxOne account at & make sure Zoom is configured.

Step 2: Go to Team Calendar found underneath the Communication sub-menu.

Step 3: To create or edit a Calendar Event with a Zoom meeting, click on a day inside the calendar or the calendar event you want to edit.