You can track an athlete's progression over time for a specific activity with your Performance Leaderboard

<aside> 👉 Note: Performance Leaders tracks an athlete's progress over time with a specific activity (ie: the weight an athlete lifts for bench press), while Points Leaders tracks an athlete's engagement inside the platform (ie: how many activities they complete).


  1. View an Activity on the Performance Leaderboard
  2. Enable Performance Leaderboard for an Activity
  3. Measurements to Track
  4. FAQs

View an Activity on the Performance Leaderboard

  1. Navigate to the Performance Leaders tab
  2. Click the Activity you want to view results for
  3. View the list of athletes who have inputted results for the activity

Enable Performance Leaderboard for an Activity

  1. Navigate to the Skill Development, Strength & Conditioning, or Education Materials library
  2. Click the Down Arrow below an activity
  3. Click the Pencil icon
  4. Toggle to Enabled next to Performance Leaderboard

Measurements to Track

<aside> 💡 When creating an activity, you are able to track an athlete multiple different ways. Below outlines all the different measurement types you can track.
