You can track your athlete's engagement through our Points Leaders tab by allocating a point value for each activity they complete.

<aside> 👉 Note: Points Leaders tracks an athlete's engagement (ie: how many activities they complete), while the Performance Leaderboard tracks an athlete's progress over time with a specific activity (ie: the weight an athlete lifts for bench press).


  1. View Athlete Points
  2. Resetting the Points Leaderboard
  3. Adjust a Point Value on an Activity
  4. FAQs

View Athlete Points

  1. Navigate to the Points Leaders tab
  2. View each athlete's Point Value

Resetting the Points Leaderboard

  1. Navigate to the Points Leaders tab
  2. Click Reset Points in the top right corner
  3. Click Yes when it asks if you are sure
  4. Wait 10-30 seconds and your leaderboards should be reset

<aside> 💡 If they don't reset right away, try refreshing your screen


Adjust a Point Value on an Activity

  1. Navigate to your Skill Development, Strength & Conditioning, or Education Materials library
  2. Click the Down Arrow on an activity
  3. Click the Pencil icon