Here is where you can complete workouts that your coach has assigned to you. This is where your current and future workouts will live so you can continue to improve your skills.

<aside> 👉 Within the Coach Up 24/7 App, your coach will be able to send and deliver workouts fully equipped with videos, instructions, sets and reps.


Start and Complete a Workout

  1. Open the CoachUp 24/7 app on your smart phone
  2. Ensure you are viewing the Workouts tab on the bottom navigation
  3. Select Today's Workout and tap Start
  4. Once inside the workout there are multiple actions you can take:
    1. View the Sets and Reps to see what your coach has assigned
    2. Tap the Play button or Learn More to watch the video associated with the specific exercise and see the coaching points included from your coach
    3. Input your results if applicable
    4. Tap Done & Next when you have completed the exercise you are on
  5. Once you have tapped Done & Next for each exercise tap Complete to finish your workout