The Profile tab on the mobile M1 Team app allows parents to view their own profile, make changes to it, and add a profile picture.

  1. Changing Personal Information
  2. Uploading a Profile Picture
  3. Removing Athletes

Changing Personal Information

  1. Navigate to the More tab on the mobile M1 Team app and tap Profile
  2. Tap Edit Profile
  3. Here you can edit all of your personal information
  4. Make sure you tap Save Profile once done to ensure changes were made

Uploading a Profile Picture

  1. Navigate to the More tab on the mobile M1 Team app and tap Profile
  2. Tap Edit Profile
  3. Tap Edit Profile Photo
  4. Choose to either Take Photo or Choose from Library
  5. Once done; make sure you tap Save Profile

Removing Athletes

  1. Navigate to the More tab on the mobile M1 Team app and tap Profile
  2. Tap Remove on the athlete you no longer want to be linked to
  3. Tap Yes