The Workouts tab allows athletes to view and complete workouts as well as view workouts that have previously been assigned.

<aside> 👀 Only workouts assigned to athletes will give the option to record measures and points


  1. Viewing Assigned Workouts
  2. Searching Specific Workout Programs
  3. Viewing Specific Workouts
  4. FAQs

Viewing Assigned Workouts

  1. Navigate to the Workouts tab on the mobile M1 Team app
  2. Underneath Today's Workout you will see workouts assigned to you
  3. Tap Start on a workout to begin
  4. You must input the desired measure if applicable for each activity before moving on to the next activity
  5. Once you have inputted your measure; tap Done & Next to move on to the next activity
  6. If you wish to view attached media or descriptions; tap Learn More
  7. Once you tap Done & Next for the last activity tap Complete to finish the workout

Searching Specific Workout Programs

  1. Navigate to the Workouts tab on the mobile M1 Team app
  2. Tap on the search bar and start typing the name of the program you wish to view
  3. Tap the program to view workouts included in it